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On the Down the Garden Path Podcast, landscape designer Joanne Shaw discusses down-to-earth tips and advice for your plants, gardens, and landscapes. She believes it's important and possible to have great gardens that are low maintenance.

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May 6, 2022

This month on the Down the Garden Path podcast, landscape designers Joanne Shaw and Matthew Dressing take a look at flowering shrubs, a few classics and a couple of superstars you might be meeting for the first time. In this week's episode, they talk about lilacs.

Tune in to hear Joanne and Matt talk about lilacs.

Some of the questions and topics covered:

  • What are lilacs?
  • What are the different groups/types of lilacs and what makes them different?
    • general care, fertilizing, pruning, size colours, flowering time and use for each
  • Common lilacs: French hybrids, Korean lilacs, Preston lilacs, Bloomerang
  • Some of the pests and diseases common with lilacs
  • Joanne and Matt tell us their favourites.
  • How to use lilacs in the landscape.